Marks and ECTs recognition:
Students’ work/examination will be graded on the local marking scale by the university at which each subject is taken. Teaching staff will translate the local grades into the ECTS grading system, only for those students awarded with the subject Pass Grade (the minimum grade in the local systems to receive credits: 50%, 5 on a 0-10 scale, etc.). This will be applied according to the ECTS Key Features document drawn up by the European Commission, as follows:
A (Excellent) best 10% - B (Very good) next 25% - C (Good) next 30% - D (Satisfactory) next 25% - E (Sufficient) next 10%. These will be converted to the usual marks in each participating country.
Those students with subject grades under 50% will be provided with a grade as follows:
FX Fail – some additional work/examination required to pass.
F Fail – considerable further additional work/examination required to pass.
The partners will follow the agreements according to the Bologna Process by which the degrees are homogenized in order to be valid at European level. This process guarantees the validity of a degree awarded in the framework of EMJMD NucPhys, in any country.
Joint examination methods and criteria:
With respect to learning outcomes, joint examination will take place according to several evaluation levels: knowledge, applying knowledge, making judgements and skills acquired (communication skills and learning skills). Each term will give place to a partial student evaluation step, as follows:
- I, II and III (part, only courses) Term evaluation: at the end of the first, second and third semesters, each Term's teaching body will evaluate students in terms of knowledge, applying knowledge and skills acquired during term courses. All organization and marks will follow the local regulations. The global mark of all courses will count 65% in the total student score.
- At the end of student internship, the Consortium tutor and a committee will evaluate a short report produced by the student and his/her oral presentation, as to evaluate acquired knowledge, skills and awareness. This evaluation counts for a 10% in the total score of the student. This report evaluation will be also included in the internal evaluation process of each student.
- At the end of the fourth term, the students will be evaluated in term of knowledge, applying knowledge, making judgments, communication skills and learning skills. Final thesis project counts 25% in the final score. Student thesis final project (developed in term IV) will be evaluated in two steps, taking in consideration the standard requirements of the Master’s thesis: (1) the thesis will be assessed and graded in written form by the thesis supervisor and an external reader from another consortium partner institution, having completed the thesis studio. In case of a discrepancy between the two written reports an external reader from the third partner University/Associated Center will be decisive. Once, a positive inform is obtained, the Thesis will be defended at the end of the common course organized by the consortium in July. The Thesis will be graded using the joint European ECTS grading scale; (2) The students will attend an oral defence with a jury called “Defence Committee” designed by the Master Academic Committee and composed by at least 1 academic representative from each partner institution and, at least, an external member (i.e. from associated companies/research centers). In case of failure in the first attempt, the Thesis defence will be done at the University to which the student is enrolled in semester IV. In this case, the Defense Committee will be designed by this University following its local rules, although an external member of the committee is highly recommended if possible).
- The grades from courses (65%), internship (10%) and Master Thesis defence (25%) expressed in ECTS grading scale will be composed for obtaining the Master final grade.
- The Master score will be delivered according to ECTS grading scale, so to be convertible to every other national grading scale. The minimum evaluation level to get the Diploma is set to 60%. To avoid student’s failure, a monthly tutoring will be organized so to check students’ progress and to anticipate problems resolution. A cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) is calculated per Terms I, II and III as an indicator of academic performance of the NucPhys EMJMD and is used as a criterion for graduation requirements, for honours graduation or other academic distinctions, and for determining academic standing during study in EMJMD NucPhys.
- The thesis will be assessed in terms of adequacy in its methodology, analysis and its arguments, as well as in adequately demonstrating the author’s familiarity with the relevant literature; the thesis should also be written in correct, coherent language, in an appropriate style, correctly following the conventions of citation. It should, moreover, have a logical and visible structure and development that should at all times assist the reader’s understanding of the argument being presented and not obscure it.
Resit possibility, procedure and timing
In case of fail in the courses in S1, S2 or S3 the student can use the resit procedures of the local University to improve his/her performance.
In case of failure in the Internship the resit procedures will be those already established at University of Basse-Normandie (Caen).
In case of failure in the Master Thesis, the student can use the procedures already established at the host University during S4.