Financial tasks are mainly managed by the University of Seville as coordinating partner. For the rest of the tasks, four committees have been created in order to resolve the different issues related to the EMJMD. The committees are:
- Academic Committee: it is responsible for the correct implementation of the EMJMD and the general management. It will be formed by one local academic of each full partner (universities), two persons from the associated partners, and one student from the coordinating institution. In addition, it is in charge of examination methods and the organisation of the Master Thesis work. It is also responsible for the contents of the NucPhys EMJMD. This committee will have 3 sub-committees (one at each country). Each sub-committee will be presided by the academic that is part of the Academic committee plus two academics that belong to their own universities. The aim of the sub-committees will be to solve all the academic issues within their own university.
The Academic Committee will also be in charge of obtaining the necessary number of internships for the training period in a company for all the students participating in the NucPhys EMJMD. The academic committee will also be responsible for the final assignment the internships among all the students according to the grading obtained by the students in the lecturing period, their preferences and the advice of the local coordinator in contact with students. Another important aim of this committee is to develop a joint and well-structured curriculum for the EMJMD that takes into account the best expertise of every full partner and the present needs of companies related to Nuclear Physics. - NucPhys Secretariat: it is the executive board, in charge of executive management, communication with EACEA, administrative and financial management. It is located at the coordinating institution and is composed by the Consortium coordinator, one administrative assistant and supported by Contact Point EMUS. It is in contact with local administrative staff at partner institutions and supervises exchange of students documents among partners. The Secretariat ensures update of the website and application system.
- Selection Committee: it is in charge of the issues related to the admission criteria, selection procedure and awarding of Erasmus + scholarships to the best students. It will be formed by one academic from each full partner (universities) as well as one person representing the associated partners. This committee will have regular meetings before the beginning of each EMJMD edition to manage all applications received and to apply the admission criteria for the student selection process as well as for the award of the JMD scholarships, according to Erasmus + rules.
- Quality committee: it is needed to ensure the internal EMJMD quality and to design improvement strategies. This committee is formed by one academic of each full partner (universities), two representatives of the associated partners, and two students of the present NucPhys EMJMD edition. This committee will implement all the internal evaluation strategies and mechanisms. It will also be in charge of coordinating with the external organisms/institutions/agencies responsible for the external quality assurance of the NucPhys EMJMD.
- Composition of the Committees
- Academic Committee:
- José A. Lay (U. Sevilla)
- F. Gulminelli (U. Caen)
- S. Romano (U. Catania)
- R. González (U. Complutense Madrid)
- L.M. Robledo (U. Autónoma Madrid)
- G. Montagnoli (U. Padova)
- A. Ramos (U. Barcelona)
- Alberto M. Stefanini (LNL Legnaro)
- Gilles de France, (GANIL, Caen)
- (1 student) (intake VII)
- (1 student) (intake VIII)
- Selection Committee:
- Joaquín Gómez Camacho (U. Sevilla)
- Mario Centelles (U. Barcelona)
- Luis M. Robledo (U. Autónoma Madrid)
- Mailyn Pérez-Liva, replacing José M. Udias in 2022-2024 selection process (U. Complutense Madrid)
- David Boiley (U. Caen)
- Stefano Romano (U. Catania)
- Anna Gueli (U. Catania)
- Francesca Soramel (U. Padova)
- Daniele Mengoni (INFN-Legnaro)
- Antonio Insolia (INFN-Catania)
- Quality committee:
- M.V. Andrés (U. Sevilla)
- A. Insolia (U. Catania)
- A. Gallerano (U. Padova)
- L.M. Fraile (U. Complutense de Madrid)
- T. Rodríguez (U. Autónoma de Madrid)
- Julien Gibelin (U. Caen)
- X. Viñas (U. Barcelona)
- Maria Jose Garcia Borge (CSIC, ISOLDE, CERN)
- Susana Falcón Cabrera (CIEMAT)
- (1 student) (intake VII)
- (1 student) (intake VIII)
- NucPhys Secretariat:
- Irene Trujillo - General information
- Mamen Borrego (responsible for administration)-
- José A. Lay (U. Sevilla, coordinator)